Mental Competing Rehearsal
Do you do it? 90% of performance is physical, 10% is mental… but the 10% controls the 90% - Brian Risk Learning and practicing the skills necessary are not that hard, and if done frequently enough not that time consuming. This quick post is how I set up the processes to develop the skills necessary to improve mental rehearsal. Breathing correctly is the base of any mental imagery you perform. It has the ability to help relaxation, centre yourself, and control the outcome of an event. Brief outline of the approach that I follow; Breathing Lie on the floor in a quiet room, better if it is carpet and dark, If need be place a small pillow under your head and knees Lightly place hand on Chest and Stomach, Breathe, concentrating on the stomach raising, that is the diaphragm and not the chest, Breathe slowly. Inhale, hold, and exhale, Inhale through your nose Exhale through your mouth Introduce the concept of slow breathing and start w...