
Showing posts from June, 2011

Most important element of a coach and athlete relationship

As coach the most important element to my arsenal is that of trust .  If the athlete doesn't trust me, or I don't trust the athlete, the relationship of athlete and coach is one of mistrust. What is Trust? Trust in my eyes is not one definable thing, it is a number to elements that implies a respect in each other that we are there to help, improve and become better. Trust is not about not questioning each other.  To improve and understand you must question.  How else are we to learn? What do we do if trust is lost? That is question that we must look at when and if the question arises.

Darren A Coaching: Planning or Periodisation

Darren A Coaching: Planning or Periodisation : "It is said periodisation is dead in the world of athletics. My question would be how so? During my courses and study in Australia, we wer..."

Planning or Periodisation

It is said periodisation is dead in the world of athletics.  My question would be how so? During my courses and study in Australia, we were taught about the periodisation style of Matveyev and popularised by Tudor Bompa.  Critics of periodisation sight these gentlemen with arguments that sports do not have one peak.  This maybe a valid argument, Bompa counters that the model of periodisation is not about biomotor abilities but a concept to develop the athlete to be in the best performance shape (these are my words not Bompas) Periodisation is, basically, planning, with the result being the athlete is in shape to perform. As a former thrower, I found I could perform at a reasonably high level of my personal best 3 or 4 times a year.  As a coach, I take this approach into my planning with an expectation that my sprinters can perform at personal best levels 2 or 3 times a year and my middle distance athletes 2 times a year. Considering the athletic season in Aus...
Coaching as in life has positive and negatives, as well as the strong point of the coach and athlete is the weak point of the coach and athlete. Humans are emotive people, so by that very nature moods change.  We are affected by all forces around our lives, being training, professional issues, relationships, social, spiritual and general life issues.  As a coach, I coach on trust that the athlete respects me enough to discuss issues that they may have going on with them.  I feel offended when athletes, don't seem to have this trust of the respect I have for them.  I would prefer to help by changing what I do to help them then not know. As coach, my strongest point is my weakest point.  I support my athletes, with my heart and soul.

First Post

Have created a blog to help with ideas and thoughts by putting them down in words. Please enjoy and provide feedback.