Quotes that I use to inspire me in my Coaching
Quotes that I use to inspire me in my Coaching I have been fortunate enough to have a lot of people to help, inspire and mentor me on my coaching journey. This blog is about 2 quotes that I try to follow when coaching athletes and helping other coaches. The two quotes John Quinn “There is no such things as secrets, it is how you use it (the information)” Mike Boyle “God gave me two eyes, two ears and one mouth for a reason” I tried to find a source for these, the best I could come up for Mike Boyle was by Socrates We have been given two ears, two eyes, and one tongue. This means that we should hear and see more than we speak.” Socrates (469 BC–399 BC) John Quinn came to Hobart as the head track and field coach in the early 1990’s, and as an athlete who was also a qualified throws coach I had some contact with him during his 7 years here. As is the case, you don’t realise how much of an impact someone has on you until they have gone or as you get older and wiser. At a coac...