It has been awhile since I posted something on this blog.

In previous blogs I posted draft training for a 100m and a 400m runner in the GPP and SPP phase.  This blog is going to step away from this and talking about the planning and time required to organise training for a group of athletes who are entering the first meets for the track, or one of major road races or some who are just training.

In the next four weeks I have two athletes preparing for regional school events who are both sprinters (400m and below), a middle long distance runner preparing for the the final 10km road race for the year and two athletes who are training but will lose some training time due to travel requirements for study and work.

How do I go about organising the weights sessions to help them individually and to make this as easy as possible to manage.  Ultimately, it comes down to preparation and structuring the programmes to allow as much interaction with all athletes.

Training for the all athletes in a competition will in essence be nothing more than their normal weights warmup which is 25 minutes of foam rolling, mobility work and a barbell warm up.  This isn't ideal, but it is compromise to help the athlete as they have mobility issues.

The next 2 weeks we will introduce, medball and speed strength work but volume will be low.  The athletes not in competition mode will do similar sessions when they are available to train.

This phase of training is to ensure the athletes are in the best shape they can for the competition, so ultimately the training planned could be thrown out the window daily.


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