Planning Resistance Training

 Below is a presentation I did for track and field athletics in June 2013 on how I plan resistance sessions.  Big thanks go to all the coaches I have inspired me, including Mike Boyle, Robert dos Remedios, Eric Cressey, Mike Robertson, Alwyn Cosgrove, Christian Thibaudeau, Ian King, and everyone else.  Thank You

Hope you think I am on the right track.

Planning of Training and Sessions

Resistance training can be broken up into
  •  General
    • Push Ups
    •  Squat 
    • Deadlift
    •  Olympic Lifts?
  • Specific
    • Sprinters - Hills or Sleds
    • Throwers - Overweight Implement            
  • Special
    • Sprinters - Weighted Drill
    • Throwers - Overweight Delivery

Each coach has a different reason why athletes do resistance sessions.  My three main aims of Resistance Session are,

  1. Reduce Injuries
  2. Reduce Recovery if athlete gets injured
  3. Make them Stronger

How to program

The process I follow in planning sessions are,

  1. Available Training Time
  2. Training Elements
  3. Aim of Session (s)
  4. Structure of Session
  5. Volume
  6. Rest between Exercises
  7. Sets x Reps

Training Session Outline

Available Training Time

I plan to have sessions last around 60 minutes, during none competition periods, with the understanding that the training sessions will vary from 50 to 75 minutes depending on what we are trying to achieve.  During competition periods, training may last from 20 to 75 minutes.

Training Elements

Using available training time of 50 to 75 minutes, I want to have the following training elements in a session.

  1. *Cardio Warm Up                                                                              5 minutes
  2. *Foam Rolling – Quick Light Rolls                                                     5 minutes
  3. Movement                                                                                          5 minutes
  4. Hip Circuit                                                                                          5 minutes
  5. Weights Circuit                                                                                   5 minutes
  6. Resistance Session                                                                           25 – 45 minutes

*Only do if Resistance Session is done at separate time

The following page has an example of the above, which is used in used in my squad.

Training Aims

As a sprinter, the in gym work, needs to concentrate on maximum strength, strength speed, and speed strength.  The ultimate aim is to get stronger, because without strength you can’t improve the endurance or speed elements in the gym.

During winter the training aim really doesn’t change, and includes

Get Stronger
Improve Mobility
Improve Technique

Structure of Session

Basic session structure I use is as follows.

Session 1

·                Explosive/Technical
·                Mobility Exercise
·                Hip Dominant
·                Horizontal Push
·                Core
·                Knee Dominant
·                Horizontal Pull
·                Core

Session 2

·                Technical/Explosive
·                Mobility Exercise
·                Knee Dominant
·                Vertical Pull
·                Core
·                Hip Dominant
·                Vertical Push
·                Core


I calculate volume on how many reps I want per exercise, the general guideline I use is as follows,

·         Technical or Technique                            15 reps
·         Strength                                                   25 reps
·         Hypertrophy                                             50 reps
·         General Conditioning                               100 reps
·         Core (time)                                               3 minutes max

Rest between Sets

I tend to set up programs working on either 2 minutes per set or 3 minutes per set. 
In most cases a set would take no longer than 30 seconds, so rest would be between 11/2 and 21/2 minutes.

If the emphasis is for strength or technical improvements use 3 minutes as a starting point.  If your emphasis is hypertrophy or general conditioning use 2 minutes per exercise.

Using those times you come up with the following sets

2 minutes per Set
Strength Session Time


3 minutes per Set
Strength Session Time


Sets x Reps

Below is a table on sets x reps based on your aim. 
Strength Endurance
2 - 5
30 - 75
2 - 5
5 - 12
60 – 80%
24 - 25
Maximum Strength
2 – 5
1 – 7
80 – 100%
5 - 14
Strength Speed
3 - 6
2 - 7
Olympic Lifts: 60-90%
Normal Exe: 45 – 65%
12 - 14
Speed Strength
3 - 6
2 - 7
Olympic Lifts: 40 – 65%
Normal Exe: 10 - 25%
12 - 14
3 – 6
5 – 10
10 – 25%
15 – 30
*Intensity is based on 1RM (Ability to lift a weight once)

I tend to do the majority of my sessions within the range of 3 to 8 reps.  This is broken up into 

·         Technical Lifts:                              3 to 5 reps
·         Strength Lifts:                               3 to 8 reps
·         Other Lifts:                                    5 to 8 reps
·         Core                                             10 to 45 seconds (for sprinters)

I have found that females I have coached have responded better to a slightly higher volume so they tend to work 4 to 10 reps per set. 


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