Recently I was speaking with an athlete about the trouble they have sleeping in a foreign environment, i.e. not their own bed, and trying to come up with solutions and ideas to help.

Mike Robertson wrote a good blog post on basic for good sleep and can be found here
The basics are

  1. Develop a Routine
  2.  Optimise the Sleeping Environment
  3. Improve Sleep whilst Travelling
  4. Advanced Techniques

The athlete has a reasonable sleeping routine, and generally sleeps well in their own bed, so what to do.

Reminds me of a former training partner who use to take their pillow to every competition that required travel.

Being comfortable and relaxed is highly important.

What suggestions did we come up with?
  • Learn Relaxation techniques, the more relaxed you are the more likely your sleep will be of good quality
  • Listen to music
  • Learn meditation
  • Ear Plugs and Eye Mask


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