
This weekend is the first weekend where my athletes are going in with a peaking phase.  The last 2 weeks the volume of running has decreased by over 50% with a small drop in intensity.

The plan is a consistent structure and is based on the my blog post  This phase there have been some changes in the reps and distance, but only minor.

This  is the last meet prior to Christmas and 3 months to the State Championships.  Do they need to peak?  Probably not, I look at doing a peak at this time for a number of reasons, as follows;

1. Chance to see if the the peaking works for the athlete(s).  By doing this, it gives us an opportunity to get the peaking structure right when we need it.

2. Go into Christmas, happy and ready to for the new year, with a good performance - hopefully a Seasons Best of Personal Best.  I found as an athlete, if I had a good performance pre Christmas I enjoyed my Christmas/New Year training much more.

We will find out Saturday afternoon, if the this peaking cycle worked, and the athletes perform as I expect them too.


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